

This document is part of brain storming the project of cihai. It’s for historic purposes only.

Written Late 2013

Scribblings on cihai dev.


It can accept a custom configuration file via command line with -c:

$ python -m cihai -c myconfig.yml

Where your configuration file overrides the default settings. You can see the default settings in the cihai package as config.yml.

Developers may use dev/config.yml. The TestCase will use the test_config.yml.

$ python -m cihai

Will start up cihai with normal configuration settings. A configuration file may also be used.

$ python -m cihai -c dev/config.yml

History of CJK libraries#


Unihan, which is short for “Han Unification” is a standard published by the Unicode Consortium for CJK ideographs (also interchangeable referred to as “glyphs”, “characters”, “chars”).

Unihan’s History goes into greater detail on this. The first electronic release was in July 1995 as CJKXREF.TXT (961 kB). The second release, which resembles the formatting used in modern versions, was released in July 1996 with Unicode 2.0 as Unihan-1.txt. In an accident, the Unihan-1.txt (7.9MB) file was missing the final pieces after U+8BC1, no corrected version was made available. In May 1998, Unihan-2.txt was released with Unicode 2.1.2.

Unihan Inc. is the center of the universe for all glyphs. For those who study Egyptian hieroglyphics, which are still mysterious, they are covered in Unicode block U+13000…U+1342F.


cjklib is a major python library created by Christoph Burgmer for han character research.

“Cjklib provides language routines related to Han characters (characters based on Chinese characters named Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja and chu Han respectively) used in writing of the Chinese, the Japanese, infrequently the Korean and formerly the Vietnamese language(s). Functionality is included for character pronunciations, radicals, glyph components, stroke decomposition and variant information. Cjklib is implemented in Python.”


Early iterations of Cihai focused on external API as a first. Every data set was to be a plugin.

The idea was, Hanzi, a similar project in nodejs could share a similar API and datasets could be universal. The potential would be to provide two high-quality libraries for python and node, which are extendable to new data sets and reduce duplication.

It is better to take the time to discover the variable nature of datasets and how they interconnect.


The next iteration of cihai is to grasp an understand of:

  • what different data sets look like, how they return data?

  • is their commonality between all?

  • how their results can illicit deeper research and exploring of chinese characters

This is an exploration phase.

External API#

Cihai Spec#

Both Cihai and Hanzi libraries can use a similar API.

  • Reduce duplicated effort

  • Provide a main, tested CJK library to Python and node

  • Collaborate to assure both projects have access to open data sets and chinese character techniques.

Larger charter:

  • Workgroup to develop a specification for core, pluggable CJK library across various programming languages.

    • follow best practices.

      • documentation

      • unit tests / ci

      • consistent with coding idiom’s / pragmas (pythonic / pocoo / reits, connect / underscore / node)

    • be available on package archives (npm, pypi).

    • Across languages, core tools should have similar API method names, creating instance of data retrieval object

    • Extendable to new datasets as middleware.

    • Documentation for creating a new middleware.

  • Find more data sets and encourage data providers / data owners to use an open data license.

  • Find more libraries across various programming language with a CJK tool.

    • If project is a duplicate effort, notify that there is another effort underway and they can participate.

    • If project is a new tool:

      • see if they have a dataset. If it does, see license of ODC/OBDC.

      • see if their library is BSD or MIT. If not see if they’re willing to license as such. *

      • see if they are willing to use the Workgroup’s API specification.

      • If willing, but no time, offer to patch.

      • If not interested at all, create an adapter for the project as a separate effort.

  • if the library is GPL, it can cause conflict down the road, if the project author does not have the time / interest in adopting specification, even creating an adapter to their project could trigger GPL.


Core software#

BSD or MIT. The Core apps should be BSD 3-clause to protect the name of the app (Cihai or Hanzi).

Extensions / Contrib licensing#

Middleware can be included in the project as officially supported. Contrib and third party plugins can be available under BSD or MIT.

Data sets#

Data for chinese should be available under the most permissive license possible.

How should data be looked up?#

I would like to try to encourage use of a single, simple hook, .get.

After .get is used, the arguments may then be passed through middleware classes / methods.

The same principle applies for .reverse matches.

Chinese character#

Currently, Hanzi uses:


// transition to:

hanzi.reverse('爱')  // to look up any indices / decompositions / words
where  may match.

Currently cjklib uses:

#  transition to:

String of Chinese Characters#

Use .get too. This may seem problematic, but checking the .length or len() of the argument can suffice.

var decomposition = hanzi.decomposeMany('爱橄黃');
// transition to
var decomposition = hanzi.get('爱橄黃');

How should data returned look? Schema.#


  • Is there already an open standard that can be adopted?

  • Should .get return an raw object / dict or an object:

    c = c.get('你')  # return a ResultObject / Backbone.Model / mongoose
                     # document type of object.
    c.toJSON()  # backbone / sqlalchemy style

The data should follow the same schema. What would an API response for these possibilities look like?

If something generic like .get() is entered,

If .get is the only way to retrieve hits, more possibilities exist.

For hanzi/node:

results = hanzi.get('你好。怎么样?')

or for cihai/python:

results = cihai.get('你好。怎么样?')

May return hits jieba middleware (jieba doesn’t exist in node yet):

results.words = [

The user may then further tool:

for word in results.words:


for _.each(results.words, function(word) {


If dictionaries / datasets are extensible, there may be collision if they can reserve keys in the official result namespace.

Two plugins may could try to reserve .words as a name. Many dictionaries would want to reserve .definition as a name.

To counteract this, a namespace can be adopted for middleware, we can have the Core resolve the conflict:

  1. Append underscore + number on conflict, etc. (c.definition_1, c.definition_2):

    The first middleware using words can get result.words. The middleware called after will get results.words_1.

    This is seen in SQLAlchemy’s labels to avoid label collisions.

  2. Middleware / datasets use namespace with _ (c.unihan_kDefinition):


    • iterable access to python c.keys() and for var key in dict in js.

    • all data returned can be accessed without nesting into dotted namespaces.


    • result.unihan_kDefinition_these_things_getlong

    • extension name and word separation can be confused.

  3. Middleware may use dot namespace (c.unihan.kDefinition)


    • Internal Core API is far simpler and lighter

    • Easier to look at

    • More common practice, aws_cli.

    • Middleware is a package module, symbolically .’s are used to separate modules and packages (java, python, informally in JS).

Extension philosophy#

The middleware approach provides the best practice to get the job done.

Connect in node represents the best practice in plugin architecture in JS. Middleware is added as a way to provide a lite, dead-simple framework.

Cihai / Hanzi can take a similar approach.

Hanzi can take example directly from connect’s approach. It is clean and proven. Cihai can note middleware is already used in Django, packages can be maintained using pattern for Flask extensions and sphinx. Flask already has experience / lesson’s heard from packaging and namespacing extensions.

It can use the same data sets, similar API and extension strategy.

Accessing extensions directly?#

Perhaps extensions can also be searched directly:


Third party API’s can specify optional extra arguments, for instance, unihan may allow searching by one field:

c.unihan.get('好', 'kDefinition')

This allows a simple way to “drill down” cjk data across extensions.

API examples#


obj = unihan.get('好') retrieves all rows. it will create a keyed object:

obj = unihan.get('好', 'kDefinition', ...)
>>> obj.kDefinition
>>> obj.kStrokes

Creating a cihai plugin#

class Unihan(Cihai.Contrib):

    Utilizing a parent class can allow raising ``NotImplementedError``
    errors. Further, this can provide access to a ``db``.

    However, ultimately, the only thing that's really required is::

        class Example(object):

            def get(self, char):
                return {
                    'char': char


    def get(self):

    def install(self):

cihai = Cihai()
cihai.use(Unihan)  # register the middleware with
c = cihai.get('好')
>>> c.keys()
>>> c.get('好')
>>> print(c.get('好'))
>>> print(c.get('好').parent)

# Below this point, libunihan splits into subplugins for its libraries.
>>> print(dict(c.get('好')))

Cihai will allows extensibility to new dictionaries, vocabularies and data.

Middleware allows an arbitrary plugin to make data available.

By default, Cihai() creates an instance of Cihai with access to Cihai.get().

However, since no middleware are included with Cihai, no results are returned.

With Cihai(middleware=[Cihai.Unihan])

or c = Cihai()


the Cihai_Unihan is available. What is Cihai_Unihan? Simply an object with:

class Unihan(Cihai.Contrib):
